Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Pair of Loaves

I discovered this recently when I was going through some old, unpublished manuscripts. I don't know when this was written, but I'd guess the early 'eighties. It's clearly influenced by Gertrude Stein's "Tender Buttons." I think I decided at the time that it was way too Steiny for me to try to publish it. But here, on Word of Mouth, I have no shame.

This and that make a fine pair. This and that and a loaf of bread. A loaf of bread is more than this, and another loaf is more than that.

More than this and more than that, a pair is less than three. More than one and less than another. Another loaf and another one make two. That is two more.

Make two loaves of bread, make two, for we are having another. That is more and one is not enough. One is not enough for more than two, or three or four. Two will do.

A pair of loaves is more than before. Before was less than three. Two less. Two less and one make a pair. There is no more.

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